# 更新韌體

目前僅有 dongle 的韌體有提供簡易的更新方式,兩隻手上的韌體若要更新,則需要額外的燒錄器。

按住 dongle 上的按鈕後,插入 USB 插槽中。此時電腦上會出現一個 USB 儲存裝置,將 .uf2 檔案 (韌體檔) 拖入即可。

Change log:

  • 2024/10/18:
    • Use a dedicated usb thread for USB send task, rather than blocking send in QMK flow.
    • Turn on speed optimization for compilation.
    • Use full custom matrix scan, which skips copy between raw matrix and debounced matrix.
    • Set QMK_KEYS_PER_SCAN to 4 to even further improve responsiveness.
    • Fine-tune the flow of polling key events from peripheral hands, which prevents a key is pressed and released in a single scan, and thus missing that key press (or vice versa).
  • 2024/07/06:
    • 修正 mouse horizontal scroll.
  • 2024/06/11:
    • workaround for always keeping the peripheral keyboard subscription.
    • 增加 clear bonding key call only VIA custom command.
  • 2024/05/02:
    • 修正 flash emulate EEPROM
  • 2024/04/27:
    • Port swap hand 功能
    • 改進連線使用者體驗 (auto disconnect and reconnect when subscription terminated)

原始碼存放於 ErgoKB 的 github.